

Some patients struggle with wounds that do not heal, even after weeks or months of care. Our 伤口愈合和高压氧中心 offers specialized services for non-healing wounds.

Our team of doctors includes a family physician, 传染病专家, and a podiatrist – all with advanced training in wound care. Our providers are nationally certified and work closely with 电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全’s network of vascular surgeons, 普通外科医生, 介入放射科医师, 还有整形外科医生.

足部伤口护理伤口不愈合的原因很复杂. With expertise in a variety of areas, our providers take a team approach to wound care. 这涉及到解决根本原因, 控制感染, 改善整体健康和营养状况.

After an initial evaluation, we create an individualized, comprehensive care plan for each patient. We care for the whole person and understand that your physical and emotional needs are integral to your healing process. Our staff will coordinate your care with your primary doctor or referring provider to ensure your overall wellbeing.  

根据医生的推荐, 大多数健康保险, including Medicare and Medicaid cover hyperbaric oxygen therapy for treating diabetic wounds. Other types of wounds are eligible for coverage on a case-by-case basis.


在你第一次来访时, 医生将完成体格检查, 拍下你的伤口, 回顾你的病史, and determine whether further testing is required.

Please bring the following items to your appointment:

  • 一个完整的“新病人”包
  • 目前的药物清单,
  • 过敏清单
  • 保险信息

Please discuss any questions or concerns with your wound care team during your evaluation. This helps us to be sure you understand your treatment plan. Your commitment and active participation in your care are essential to success.


We specialize in treating many types of wounds, including wounds that are resistant to other methods. 这些可能包括:

  • 糖尿病足溃疡
  • 下肢静脉和动脉溃疡
  • 淋巴水肿
  • 压疮或褥疮
  • 骨感染
  • 皮肤/肌肉移植或皮瓣失败
  • 皮肤撕裂或撕裂
  • 脓皮病gangrenosum
  • 坏死性筋膜炎
  • 坏疽
  • 创伤的伤口
  • 放射治疗的效果
  • 术后伤口和感染
  • 自身免疫性疾病造成的伤口

Any wound that is present for 30 days or more should be evaluated by a specialist in our wound healing center.


血糖控制– High blood sugar lowers immune response which can prevent wound healing. Adjustments in diet or medications can aid in fighting infections and healing wounds. If glucose is not under control we will work with your primary care physician to achieve optimal blood sugar control.

特种伤口敷料– Medicines and dressings support the healing of wounds.

清创术– The removal of dead or abnormal tissue around the wound is often needed to clean the wound and promote healing.

抗生素 We culture your wounds to find the most appropriate antibiotics to prevent and clear any infection.

减轻负重伤口– Special casts or boots are placed on the foot to “off-load” pressure from the ulcer to promote healing.

超声喷雾疗法– A non-contact low energy ultrasound delivers energy to the wound to promote healing.

压缩包装– We use specialized wraps to help with conditions affecting circulation, 如静脉功能不全和淋巴水肿.

淋巴水肿的治疗– Our specialized physician and therapists can help lymphedema patients improve edema and control symptoms.

皮肤移植– A bio-engineered skin graft or human skin graft can be used to treat wound ulcers that do not heal with conventional treatments. Skin grafts have been shown to speed up the healing process.

手术– Bypass surgery can improve blood flow within the arteries of the legs. This helps with wound healing and may prevent amputations.


高压氧疗法 (HBOT) is a specialized treatment that accelerates the natural healing process. It is a safe and comfortable treatment that involves breathing 100 % oxygen under pressure within a controlled chamber. This increases the oxygen in your tissues to promote healing and fight infection. 经过几次治疗, many patients achieve wound healing that is not otherwise possible using other methods.

病人 who receive HBOT are essentially breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room. The air pressure in the chamber can be raised up to three times higher than normal air pressure, which allows the lungs to gather three times more oxygen than breathing pure oxygen at normal pressure. The super oxygenated serum then carries the oxygen through the body releasing substances that promote healing.

What to Expect in Our Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) Chamber

Our HBO chambers weigh more than one ton and feature a reclining bed inside a clear acrylic window. While receiving oxygen therapy, you can listen to music or watch television or movies. Most people feel a physical sensation similar to what you feel when you’re in an airplane that is landing.

谁需要HBOT ??

病人 with certain medical conditions benefit from the increased levels of oxygen provided during HBO. 潜在的候选人包括:

  • Diabetes and lower extremity wounds that are not healing
  • Wounds that haven’t shown improvement in four weeks of treatment
  • 某些骨骼和皮肤感染
  • 放射性皮肤损伤
  • 皮肤移植受损或失败的皮肤移植或皮瓣
  • 一氧化碳中毒
  • 减压病
  • 坏疽
  • 罕见的感染


Medicare has approved coverage for HBO therapy for many types of chronic non-healing wounds, and most private insurance companies follow Medicare’s guidelines. Our staff at the 伤口愈合和高压氧中心 will review your insurance plan and get authorization before starting any treatments.

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